Hacking a
Wi-Fi device is not always easy but in this tutorial, I will be walking
you through some easy steps to hack any WIFI network using command
You will need a computer for this process because we will need command prompt which is a utility in Windows. Cmd is one of the most used features of Windows that gives you access to almost everything on a system. If used properly, you can even get inside other remote systems.
You will need a computer for this process because we will need command prompt which is a utility in Windows. Cmd is one of the most used features of Windows that gives you access to almost everything on a system. If used properly, you can even get inside other remote systems.
Steps to Hack Wifi password using cmd:
1: Open command prompt by going to start and click on run
command or you can just enter windows+R(Pressing the Windows key
together with R on your keyboard, then type cmd and hit Enter
2: In command prompt window, type
netsh wlan show network mode=bssid
3: This command will show all the available Wi-Fi network in your area
4: Now let's go ahead. Just type:
netsh wlan connect name=(wifi name)
netsh wlan connect name=(wifi name)
For instance, netsh wlan connect name=TATCO Library
(If the name of the WIFI you want to hack is "TATCO Library"
(If the name of the WIFI you want to hack is "TATCO Library"
There you go. You're connected to that WiFi network.
5: To disconnect it, type
netsh wlan disconnect.
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