Do you do online business and wish to have a virtual credit card for easy payments, well you can get one by creating an account from Neteller but you will need some few things: a working email address, and you will need to change your current ip address to any foreign country. You will need to know that country's postal code, any valid phone number from that country, any street address from that country and a city from that country, you can change your ip on android using an application called surfeasy, you can download at
After downloading, go to settings choose select Region, then change to any foreign country
Now your current location is no more Ghana, visit and sign up for a new account and carefully fill in all the field
You should select the country you changed your ip to
After successful signing up, from your account you go net cards and create a virtual credit card, the card number will be shown to you and you can get started
Reply if you need more help. Good luck
Every business has three types of credit: the Consumer Credit of the business owner, Bank Credit, and Business Credit.Most business owners are familiar with their consumer credit.This is credit that reports to the consumer credit reporting agencies TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. We also provide online shoping card.
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