Need-based scholarships are scholarships offered to brilliant students with financial needs.
Most brilliant students with good grades are not able to further their education due to financial difficulties which shutters their dreams and goals as far as the educational ladder is concerned.
Central University is giving an opportunity to brilliant graduates of the 2019 WASCCE with financial problems to apply for these scholarships.
Interested students are to download the scholarship application form here; Download Form.
Hard copy forms can also be acquired at the school's admission offices (Miotso and Mataheko campuses.)
After applications successfully fills forms, they are to be submitted at the same offices.
Please note that dead line for application is 30th September, 2019.
Also kindly note that scholarship scheme is for only Ghanaians for now.
For more information, visit school website; or
Call: +233 307 020 537
+233 307 020 537